December 31, 2011
Though Christmas came and past relatively uneventfully, New Years has given me the opportunity to stop and reflect on the good things that God has given me and allowed me to enjoy. He is so perfectly good, yet somehow I more often than not, tend to put my life in cruise control and watch it all pass me by. Unfortunately in the end, I feel I very seldom stop to give thanks to the author of every good and perfect gift for all the perfect things which He allows to come into my life.
This year 2012 I want to capitalize on with full gratitude every delicious morsel of life, and use it for His glory. 2011 presented me the opportunity to visit eight new countries Argentina, Uruguay, Chili, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, two new states, Wisconsin, and Delaware and revisit some amazing cities like Chicago, Washington D.C., Baltimore, Charleston, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Bogota, Colombia.
Every year seems to be successively more exciting than the last and I can truly say that my life has been more exciting than I could have ever dreamed.
When I rang in 2009 I was nearly engaged to my girlfriend of over three years. There is no telling where I would be had she not broken my heart and shaken my world in mid December of that year. It is difficult to believe that just over two years have passed since I received that phone call. I have been blessed beyond comprehension and it could never have been possible had she not had the courage to do something that must have been so difficult. We both knew somehow deep down we were meant for different things. Life was taking us in opposite directions, but that first step, that decision, that phone call was so difficult at the time.
So here I am sitting just one hour to 12:00-00:00:01 A.M. 2012, in Taiwan . I am listening to my favorite old country songs, missing my family, counting my blessings, and reflecting on Isaiah 55:8-9.
“’For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.”
Before that clock ticks midnight—Be honest do any of us really use a clock that strikes midnight? Anyway, before that clock points up, I want to take this a fleeting moment and truly count all my blessings. We get so busy in the day to day that this is such an important time to remember all that Christ has done for us, where we have been, and prepare ourselves to confidently march onward, wherever He leads. So I raise my glass, and wish you all