Patagonia Chili, the 2nd most beautiful place on earth.
As I recall my adventure had just taken me to the very bottom of the world, the southernmost city in the world. Our next stop would be to cross the Chilean boarder and hike The "W". I cannot explain the wonderful hiking that one can experience in Patagonia, but I am certain everyone has seen photo's. This is a place that seems almost unreal, had I not experienced it for myself I would have believed that it really only exists in the minds of those who role write fantasy.
As the sun rose the towers went seemed to come alive from they're cold, dark sleep. The sun illuminated these intimidating peaks. Though quit brief we sat spellbound. We watched for a few marvelous minutes as the peaks turned from dark shadows to pale pinks, then shades of celestial blue, vibrant orange, and sinister shades of red as if someone had set the entire region on fire.
Around 7:30 we began hiking back down to camp and after a quick breakfast we broke camp and set a grueling pace for the next campsite. We had no idea we were in for another 11 hours of trekking with full packs on our backs. When we finally did arrive that evening we were completely exhausted. The next day we leisurely enjoyed the scenery. We explored climbed and only moved a few hours to a camp site which was not only very close, but also had bathrooms, showers and a restraint. Due to lack of competition the food was extremely expensive so in the end we decided to cook our own.
The next few days though grueling were extremely rewarding. Enjoy the photo's and over the next week or two I will be sharing what the Lord was teaching me during this amazing week!