Thailand, Say it again, Thailand! Can anyone pronounce this name without being mentally bombarded with thoughts of dense jungle, fabulous beaches, spicy foods, ancient civilizations, lost tombs, mysterious temples, or hidden secrets of eastern mysticism? After patiently waiting for the past three months I have finally stepped out of the back of a Toyota pickup and my boots are on the ground in sacred Thailand!
Our sponsors have sent us into the mountains of northern Thailand as volunteers to a few local schools. We have the weekend to tour the legendary golden triangle where the British flexed their muscle and expanded control by introducing opium and causing massive addiction to this extremely binding drug. This area became dubbed the "Golden Triangle" because of the massive quantities of gold which traded hands and circulated as expensive opium was produced and exported out of this area. It is called "Triangle" because from this point one must merely cross a small river to enter Laos or Myanmar or Burma.
I have the opportunity to tour this are Sunday and then until noon Monday, and then I will be going West into the mountains for a week of teaching English in one of the villages.
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