First of all, a special thanks to Jason Chen. My new brother in Christ. Thank you for the warnings and all the help adjusting to our jobs and living situations. May God continue to bless you and may you grow in Spirit to know Him deeper and more sincerely. I have missed you over the past 8 months.
Aaron (Capt.) Donald D. I will certainly miss your light-hearted way of enjoying everyone and everything God puts around you. You have an unequaled gift of bringing joy to everyone around you and I still believe that you may be a geneous! Your clever whit and keen sense of humor are a gift. Good luck discovering God's plan on how to use them. You have inspired me to read more often, laugh more readily, and forgive more quickly so thank you.
Julia "the savage" what can I say, you're a "hoot". It was so fun getting past that layer of tough sarcasm and finally realizing how funny and spontaneous you actually are. I know everyone back home misses you and will be excited to see you. Don't give up on people, we all make mistakes and need patience haha, even though it is hilarious when you fuss at everyone--especially, your brother :D
Kyle thank you for your patience and steady leadership. I know God has amazing things in store for you, continue seeking and trusting Him and I know you will succeed!
I have made so many great friends here in Taiwan I cannot mention them all. But special thanks to Benjamin and Flora for showing me Chaozhou and always making me feel like family, Oliver and Allen who welcomed me at the gym and became my good friends, Sherry for helping me survive my first camp and always translating when the kids just starred at me, Queenie, Rainie, Peggy, and Lily who brought drinks and gifts regularly and were always around to waste time and watch movies, Ryan and John thanks for being great friends and always being around to help, Teacher Candy for helping me understand Aboriginal Culture and history, and a very VERY special thank you to Tony "DONY" our special friend who always would visit/buy meals/drive us to exciting places. I promise to come back and visit you all very soon!
Thank you King Car Education Foundation for making this amazing opportunity available for us. This has been the most memorable year of my life! You are so gracious and patient with all of our mistakes and short-comings and have truly made this year one of personal growth and accomplishments.
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