
New Year's Post 2of 3

December 31, 2011

Though Christmas came and past relatively uneventfully, New Years has given me the opportunity to stop and reflect on the good things that God has given me and allowed me to enjoy.  He is so perfectly good, yet somehow I more often than not, tend to put my life in cruise control and watch it all pass me by.  Unfortunately in the end, I feel I very seldom stop to give thanks to the author of every good and perfect gift for all the perfect things which He allows to come into my life.

This year 2012 I want to capitalize on with full gratitude every delicious morsel of life, and use it for His glory.  2011 presented me the opportunity to visit eight new countries Argentina, Uruguay, Chili, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, two new states, Wisconsin, and Delaware and revisit some amazing cities like Chicago, Washington D.C., Baltimore, Charleston, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Bogota, Colombia.
Every year seems to be successively more exciting than the last and I can truly say that my life has been more exciting than I could have ever dreamed. 

When I rang in 2009 I was nearly engaged to my girlfriend of over three years.  There is no telling where I would be had she not broken my heart and shaken my world in mid December of that year.  It is difficult to believe that just over two years have passed since I received that phone call.  I have been blessed beyond comprehension and it could never have been possible had she not had the courage to do something that must have been so difficult.  We both knew somehow deep down we were meant for different things.  Life was taking us in opposite directions, but that first step, that decision, that phone call was so difficult at the time.

So here I am sitting just one hour to 12:00-00:00:01 A.M. 2012, in Taiwan.  I am listening to my favorite old country songs, missing my family, counting my blessings, and reflecting on Isaiah 55:8-9.
“’For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.”

Before that clock ticks midnight—Be honest do any of us really use a clock that strikes midnight?  Anyway, before that clock points up, I want to take this a fleeting moment and truly count all my blessings.  We get so busy in the day to day that this is such an important time to remember all that Christ has done for us, where we have been, and prepare ourselves to confidently march onward, wherever He leads.  So I raise my glass, and wish you all


New Year's Post 1of3

Today Dec. 31st, 2011, I have been reflecting on the things God has given me, the places He has allowed me to visit, and the people He has allowed to influence my life.
Though you were so good to me 2011 and trust me you will be sorely missed, I am quit anxious to meet your brother 2012. I will greet him with equal excitement and anticipation for I know I will readily take every opportunity he presents, and I am sure 2012 will be a great year to be beautiful ;)



If you life ever takes you to Rio, take a few days and travel just north to an amazingly quaint little town called Buzios.  Though this is an old city and very historic, it is renown for it's clear waters, spectacular beaches (nearly 100 I believe), and quiet coves that can be explored and enjoyed in solitude.  Due to it's popularity it becomes quit exciting at night and the city lights up with a life of it's own after sunset.

August 14, 2010
I just returned from the Buzios peninsula.  An exciting place with many beaches ranging from quiet and secluded to long populated beaches with great sun and fantastic waves.  Because it was overcast and somewhat rainy this weekend, I was able to enjoy the wildlife.  I observed a sea turtle as he explored a cove where I was meandering.  I also had the opportunity to watch a small penguin darting around the docks in search for something to eat.  He was so cute as he dove and dashed through the water looking for fishes!  With great patience I was finally successful in obtaining a few pictures of him.

As I left the peninsula saddened that it hadn't been sunny but thankful for the chance to have a quiet retreat, I noticed a verse.  I had never noticed Job 12:7-8 until now but here is what it says, "But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee: and the fowls of the air, shall tell thee: or speak to the earth and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee."  Thankful to find this verse after a great weekend of observing interesting wildlife.


Pedro de Gavia--Basket Rock

August 7, 2010
Pedro de Gavia

I always knew that when I left Rio I would have experienced more than most cariocas ever will, and explore more of their own city than they dare.  Living in the favelas was one such adventure, but I also recall a leisure trip that I made to one of the highest peaks along the coast, Pedro de Gavia (Basket Rock).  It was a fabulous Saturday and after 10 hours of uphill climbing, hiking, and scrambling we finally reached the pentacle. 

I will never forget that feeling, hours inside the humid jungles of Rio, strenuous uphill trekking and then suddenly the canopy lifted.  We had reached the top, and from that point only lush grasses grew on a flat plain like clearing.  We were surrounded by scenery.  The Statue of the Christ watching over the city, all the famous beaches laid out to our east (i.e. impanima, Copacabana, ect.), and lush jungle mountains to our west.  It was one of the most amazing views I have ever seen.  It truly was a fantastic day, and a much needed rest from the dirt and grim of daily life in the favela.

Weekend by weekend, trip by trip, lesson by lesson, I was becoming a traveler, but I had so many lessons to learn and so much to see and experience.  Taking out all my frustrations on the side of this mountain makes for a relaxing weekend and offers an amazing who go the distance.  Now it is time to take what I have learned and returned Gamboa, my favela.


The Illusion of Safety.

August 5, 2010

Proverbs 1:33, “But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.”

As I discussed previously I had been experiencing an overwhelming peace of mind and security knowing that Christ had a plan for my life and He was watching over me.  I have begun to notice local firearm possession.  Though it is extremely difficult to legal own guns in Brasil the black market makes the enjoying ownership of a weapon easier than ever.  I have had them flashed at me even, but I quickly walk away and have felt never felt legitimately fearful to date.  I always just continue walking briskly away.  Also I had just learned that only a year prier to my arrival in Gamboa it would not have been uncommon for a foreigner to be shot and robbed if it were known he was carrying a camera!

“Dwell safely” I kept pondering this verse and the more I pondered the deeper the realization that no evil can befall us as long as we are following Him.  Which then raised a new question, “What is safety”? Job was safe because God was protecting him, yet he still suffered many things.

Everyone has the desire to explore new horizons, yet over every mountain we see another, taller, more compelling peak.  South America is my mountain and from the peaks of Brasil I can somehow see clearly.  God is revealing His beauty in nature and through people, the children we spend time with and the adults we encourage are a true inspiration.  Men consumed with anger and alcoholism, churches controlled by Catholicism, women swallowed up by jealousy and husbands living in infidelity, drugs enslaving communities.  Yes, Satan has a hold in Rio, but we “dwell safely”.

I began to realize that safety is just an illusion.  A blanket that many of us need to live out our lives.  I realize however, that the imaginary blanket of safety is much like the nuclear drills conducted in public schools during the cold war.  Children would practice getting under their desks in the event of a nuclear attack.  Anyone would have known that sitting under ones desk would no more prevent injury from a nuclear attack than an umbrella would shield against an erupting volcano!  Safety is a state of being, we are only safe when God is protecting us, regardless of the neighborhood we select, the schools we attend, the job where we work, or the activities we engage in.  In Rio despite a seemingly dangerous environment I was safe, and for the time I was at home.  God was protecting me and no one could stand against us.


The Rainy Season in Gamboa, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

August 4, 2010 I remember the night, standing under a shelter on the roof of our mission at the top of a large hill, at the base of a large Gamboa, the poorest, most dangerous favela in Rio. It was apparent that this was very dangerous, filled with drug lords, it was a constant hot spot between police and ‘trafficas’ the drug dealers.

That night rain was pouring down on the streets Gamboa, and on nights like these she seems so mournfully sad.  Typically the sound of samba music filled the air, and boisterous drunks talked loudly amongst themselves.  I loved Gamboa, I knew God had brought me to her I was not sure if I were to have a great impact on this city, or if it were she that would be the impacting force upon my life.   I stared down at her from my rooftop porch meditating on the life of Christ and how he was led around the countryside from place to place.  I wonder if he always knew why or if He took sometimes just took a step of faith not completely sure of what work the Father would have him to do.  The Bible is clear that we cannot control the harvest.  All we can do is pray to the Lord of the harvest to send workers.  We can only scatter the seeds that we are given.

Yesterday, the most encouraging thing happened. A man who speaks no English had been watching my brother and I meticulously work, painting and cleaning. He came up to us and using only ‘sign language’ explained that he had never seen any missionaries who cared as much as we did.  He said that he knew Christ lived in our hearts because we not only took time to do a job that desperately needed doing, we did it well.  (Brasilians take shortcuts whenever possible). I can only suppose the American volunteers do also. He would continue to be of the biggest blessing during my time in Rio. With his animated expressions and over the top motions he could explain nearly any concept, idea, or event relying solely on nonverbal communication! It was actually an amazing sight to behold.

My city may be glumy tonight, but I can see beauty in the eyes of the children, the cooks who love to mother their ‘American boys’ and the ladies who have come from such broken and abusive homes and yet giggle like little girls when our blue eyes look their way and we smile caringly at them.   True this city has its share of darkness, but God is protecting me from what lies in the allies and up in the favelas. I pray that He can use me as a light as He reveals the struggles that some of these locals face daily.  He is the Light, I am only His messenger, but I pray that I will allow myself to be used to fullest to accomplish and experience all He has waiting for me here in Gamboa.