
The Grand Conclusion to "One of the Most Amazing Adventures!"


Where was I? Oh yes, I was being asked a very serious question from a very concerned Israeli citizen.

"So did we kill Jesus? Do Christians look unfavorably of us Jews?" He asked.

"Well, it is true that the Jewish religious leaders wanted to have Jesus put to death." I confessed. "But they could not issue the death penalty for any crime without Roman permission.  So they to take him to King Herod for permission."

"Jesus himself told Herod that he could not kill him. Saying what he did he did willingly.  He said that if He wanted He could call 10,000 legions of angels even in that moment to come to His rescue.  Herod only wanted a free magic show, but finding nothing deserving of death he released Him."

My new friend was quiet, wondering what I would say next.  I continued. "The religious leaders then took Jesus to Pilot who was the governor of the whole territory.  After Pilot investigated Jesus, he wanted Him to be released.  He did however give the sentence by saying, 'Do with Him as you will.'  No one could kill Jesus, He knew He would die.  He chose to lay down His life and He did this willingly.  He even told his disciples and many other that this would happen.  He wanted to do it because it was God's plan."

"The difference is that just as no one could have killed him, likewise no one could keep Him in the grave."

"True Christians believe God's promise to Abraham still stands.  God will bless those who bless all the descendants of Israel.  We believe this and pray for God's protection over the nation and that America will remains a strong ally."

So there on a bus leaving the world renowned "W" and the Torres Del Paine, I was given the opportunity to share the rest of the gospel message with an Israeli.  He had been led to believe that protestant faiths shunned he and his people for the harsh sentence of sin which was taken and carried out willingly by our Savior.

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